Little Understood Truths About Going Vegan
Veganism is defined as a way of living that excludes all varieties of animal exploitation and callousness, whether for food, clothing, or other uses. The vegan diet is without all animal products, including meat, fish, poultry, eggs, and dairy.Moving towards a vegan diet is easy, especially if you bear a few things in mind when just beginning. The most notable way to become vegan is eliminating animal products from your food regimen. Surprisingly, however, this moderate technique of transitioning is difficult. The people who choose this route are less likely to stay vegan over the long-term.
Instead of trying to cut animal products out of your diet, crowd them out. Seek out delicious new vegan foods. Every time you find a great new vegan food that you like, push the animal-based foods you are still eating further to the fringe. The more vegan foods you try, the more foods you’ll like, and the easier it will become to decide upon vegan most of the time.
You don’t need to go vegan suddenly. Some people do it immediately, while others slowly ease into it over months or even years. The significant thing isn’t how fast you go, but rather that you do it in a way that feels simple and comfortable.
But know this, vegan is 100% plant based. No meat, poultry, pork, seafood, fish, eggs, dairy, or honey. None.
The more vegan foods you try out, the easier it will be to stick with a plant-based diet. Virtually every long-term vegan you’ll meet will tell you that the switch turned out to be far easier than they anticipated.
Protein surfaces as a concern. While we all have the tendency to focus on getting ample protein, you should know that, most Americans aren’t under-consuming this particular nutrient.
Back in the 1960s, Frances Moore Lappe wrote Diet for a Small Planet. She undoubtedly went over the edge on food pairing for protein considerations to calm the carnivores. I followed her plan for well over 1 year in the 70s.
Nearly all plant proteins are considered “incomplete” proteins, meaning they don’t have all nine essential amino acids that animal proteins do. As long as you eat a wide variety of protein sources on a given day, you’ll be covering your bases.
Vitamin B12 is only organically found in animal products such as eggs, meat, poultry, fish, and dairy products - all excluded on a vegan diet. Insufficient intake of vitamin B12 can trigger symptoms such as megaloblastic anemia, fatigue, loss of appetite, and possibly severe neurological symptoms.
This is the one “fact” that has made me wonder if a vegan diet is truly natural.
Luckily, vitamin B12 is fortified in many vegan foods such as certain plant-based milks, breakfast cereals, and soy products. There are also vegan vitamin B12 supplements that can be taken to make up for the gap of B12 sources in the diet. The key is using those fortified foods on a regular basis, or using a vitamin supplement if needed.
Vegans can be in peril for falling short on other nutrients, like calcium, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids, so it’s a good idea to look into a high quality vegan supplement.
A vegetarian diet for endurance athletes is really not all that different from a normal (healthy) diet, with the exception, of course, of meat. If you eat lots of nutritious, whole foods as it is, there aren’t all that many adjustments you need to make to go vegan.
I say go all in because of my own addictive personality. I’m a sugar addict. I have type 2 diabetes. Just cutting back on processed carbs does not work for me. It was either all in or diabetes will kill me.
As a vegan, your carbon footprint will drop greatly. Raising animals for food produces more greenhouse gas emissions than all the cars, planes and other forms of transportation combined. It’s been said that you can’t be a meat-eating environmentalist. For most people, the environmental reason for veganism is just a bonus, not the main driving reason they stay vegan.
Food has healing qualities, and the foods emphasized on a well-designed vegan menu are linked to improvements in blood pressure, reductions in heart disease, and a lower chance of developing type 2 diabetes.
Part of the weight-related benefits vegans experience may be explained by factors other than diet. These include healthier lifestyle choices, such as physical activity, and other health-related behaviors.
No matter what food camp you’re in, choose whole foods over processed ones is nutrition. Focus on plant-based whole food staples, like beans, nuts, whole grains, fruits, and veggies, and you’ll be setting yourself up for a nutritious vegan diet.
Then I ran into a YouTube Video “Best Speech You Will Ever Hear" - Gary Yourofsky - that changed my opinion. Gary Yourofsky is a lot extreme, but there's no denying he's made an impact on many omnivores (myself included). The comparison of animal slaughter to the holocaust only seems to offend non-Jewish people, since using that exact argument has turned a huge portion of Israel vegan.
Vegans don’t wear clothing made from animals including alpaca, angora, camel hair, down, fur, leather, mohair, pashmina, pearls, silk, shearling, suede, and wool, as well as other animal skins, such as alligator, crocodile, and snakeskin. With a wide range of plant-only fashion choices available, such as cotton, linen, hemp, microfiber and others, there’s no longer any reason to use animals for clothing.
I am not going to preach to you. I cannot control what you think or do. I can contribute to the ecosystem of the planet by going vegan, but that’s not my purpose.
There's a plant-based alternative for almost every type of food you can think of, so you don't have to miss out on any of your favourite foods. I will eat substitutes on occasion, but I prefer real foods and not frankenfoods.
As Jordan Peterson and others have said, make your own bed before you go out and try to change the world.
Cutting your typical meat portion in half and doubling up on veggie servings is the best and easiest place to start.
When done right, adopting a "part-time" vegan diet can increase the plant foods in your diet while decreasing animal products high in saturated fat. Emphasizing whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes force you to rethink the way you fill your plate.
There are different varieties of vegan diets. The most common include:
Whole-food vegan diet:
Eat exclusively plants, choosing those that are as unprocessed as possible. Most experts will tell you that you don’t have to count calories or focus on macronutrients at all. Whole, unprocessed plant-based foods are nutrient dense and contain a lot of fiber which helps you fill up without consuming too many calories.
Raw-food vegan diet:
A vegan diet based on raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds or plant foods cooked at temperatures below 118°F (48°C).
Proponents of a raw food diet claim that there are many benefits to eating raw foods, including weight loss, more energy, clear skin, improved digestion and improved overall health. I believe that’s true, but for me, 100% raw food is hard to stomach (pardon the pun).
The 80/10/10 diet is a raw-food vegan diet that limits fat-rich plants such as nuts and avocados and relies mainly on raw fruits and soft greens instead. Also referred to as the low-fat, raw-food vegan diet or fruitarian diet. This is basically what the vegan diet gurus like Greger, Pritikin, McDougall, Barnard, and others recommend.
It is very easy for a vegan diet to meet the recommendations for protein. Nearly all vegetables, beans, grains, nuts, and seeds contain some, and often a lot of protein.
The Starch Solution:
A low-fat, high-carb vegan diet similar to the 80/10/10 but focuses on cooked starches like potatoes, rice and corn instead of fruit. Dr. McDougall believes that once we stop poisoning ourselves with rich foods like vegetable oils and animal products, our bodies are able to heal and thrive.
Raw till 4 (or 6):
Like the name suggests, dieters eat raw until 4pm (or 6pm), after which they are allowed to have their final and only cooked meal of the day.
Junk-food vegan diet:
Basically, the Junk Food Vegan wouldn't bat an eye at "indulging" in donuts, non-dairy Ben & Jerry's, vegan mac and cheese, and Veggie Grill nachos. Don't think they would pass up on that pack of Oreos. As long as they're not contributing to animal cruelty, they eat whatever the heck they want.
Some people like reading books or regularly watching uplifting videos about the vegan life, or keeping motivating visual reminders like photos of your favourite animals. If you need this bullshit to want to live a healthy life, prevent or reverse disease, or not kill other living creatures, a vegan diet is probably not for you.
Decreasing animal protein intake by following a plant-based diet is suggested to have a lower carbon footprint on the environment and to be more sustainable.
Animal production requires water and crops for the animals, and transportation of the animals and products. It also produces methane - a destructive greenhouse gas - from cattle. The need for grain to feed animals for slaughter contributes to deforestation as well.
If you believe in yourself, vegan living will soon become second nature. There is always a better reason to stick with your decision than to go against it. If you're having issues with friends or family, don't give up.
If someone wants to debate the ethics of veganism, it probably won’t be productive, because they have an entrenched stance and aren’t likely to change. Instead, offer to send them some links that address their concerns, but say that a debate won’t be productive. If someone is genuinely interested and open-minded, then share what you think is appropriate.
There is just simply no less challenging strategy to help animals and protect against suffering than by selecting vegan foods over meat, eggs, fish, and dairy products. Vegans are less likely to develop heart disease, cancer, diabetes, or high blood pressure than meat-eaters are. No matter your reason, the planet - and animals - will thank you.
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